返回列表 發布時間:2023-05-08


【時間】2023 5 11 日(周四)下午 1430-1530 開始


騰訊會議号:489-196-199  8B214會議室



羅亦楊,現任重慶大學光電工程學院副教授。201710月獲華中科技大學光學工程博士學位。201711月加入華中科技大學激光技術系從事博士後研究工作。20189月至202012月在新加坡南洋理工大學CINTRA中心開展訪問學者和博士後研究工作,20211月至今于重慶大學光電工程學院開展教學與科研工作,從事基于時間拉伸-時間透鏡的超快激光全場測控及精密測量應用研究。在Light: Sci. & Appl.OpticaPhotonics Research, APL Photonics重要學術期刊發表論文40餘篇,主持與參與中國博士後科學基金,國家自然科學基金項目多項,新加坡MOE AcRF Tier1項目等。擔任IEEE JSTQE, Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, 等期刊審稿人。曾擔任IEEE Sensors Council Singapore Chapter秘書一職,現為中國激光雜志社青年編委;擁有排名第一授權發明專利4項;獲評2022全球光電大會青年科學家稱号。


In analogy to matter, the interaction of ultrashort pulses induces vivid multi-pulse dynamics. As a result, the ultrashort pulses can evolve into various self-assembled pulses such as the soliton molecule, soliton crystal, soliton bunch etc. These pulse complexes can also extend the application scenarios of ultrafast lasers. In this talk, we will first report on our current research progress on the molecular dynamics of self-assembled pulses assisted with the time-stretch and time-lens analysis to answer the question of how far the light-matter analogy could reach. On this basis, flexible manipulation on the self-assembled pulses is also realized, particularly highlighting the phase-tailored assembly of the soliton molecules governed by the subtle energy flows. For the applied stimuli, advanced soliton encoding beyond binary, ultrafast noise-like-pulse laser ranging and real-time spectral interferometry based sensing applications are also presented.



李波瑤,東莞理工學院特聘副研究員,Photonics 期刊客座編輯。主要從事微結構光纖功能器件、激光與光場調控等技術研究。主持廣東省基礎與應用基礎自然科學基金2項,參與國家與省部級重點研發課題多項。在iScienceJournal of Lightwave technologyOptics Letters等光學學術期刊發表學術論文近20餘篇,包括熱點論文與editors’ pick論文各一篇,授權專利3項。



