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辦公室:瑞鷹國際創新園(學校西門對面100米)7棟107 Email: dswei@dgut.edu.cn |
1998/09- 2002/07本科,高分子材料科學與工程系,東華大學
2011/12-2015/12 副研究員,中國科學院重慶綠色智能技術研究院 太赫茲技術研究中心副主任
2016/01-2017/08 研究員 ,中國科學院重慶綠色智能技術研究院 太赫茲技術研究中心副主任
2017/09-至今 研究員,學科方向領軍人才,東莞理工學院電子工程與智能化學院
6.DCFSGD XXX太赫茲高通量表征技術研究,GFKG“材料基因工程”十三五重點專項課題,2017/04-2011/03,37萬,主持
1.Dongshan Wei and Feng Wang, Mimicking coarse-grained simulations without coarse-graining: Enhanced sampling by damping short-range interactions, J. Chem. Phys, 133, 084101 (2010). [Cover Paper] (Also selected for the September 1, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research)(IF: 3.017,中科院SCI二區)
2.Dongshan Wei, Yang Song and Feng Wang, A simple molecular mechanics potential for μm scale graphene simulations from the adaptive force matching method, J. Chem. Phys., 134, 184704 (2011).(IF: 3.017,中科院SCI二區)
3.Dongshan Wei and Feng Wang, Graphene: A partially ordered non-periodic solid,J. Chem. Phys.,141, 144701 (2014)(IF: 3.017,中科院SCI二區)
4.Han Zhao, Dongshan Wei*, Lina Zhou, Haofei Shi, Xinjian Zhou. Thermal Conductivities of Graphyne Nanotubes from Atomistic Simulations, Computational Materials Science, 106, 69 (2015). (IF: 2.131,中科院SCI三區)
5.Shihan Yan, Dongshan Wei*, Mingjie Tang, Changcheng Shi, Mingkun Zhang, Zhongbo Yang, Chunlei Du, Hong-Liang Cui, Determination of Critical Micelle Concentrations of Surfactants by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 6, 532 (2016) (IF: 2.298, 中科院SCI二區)
6.Xiang Yang#, Dongshan Wei#, Shihan Yan,Yueping Liu, Shu Yu, Mingkun Zhang, Zhongbo Yang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Qing Huang, Hong-Liang Cui*, and Weiling Fu*, Rapid and label-free detection and assessment of bacteria by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, Journal of Biophotonics, 9,1050 (2016). (co-first author) [Cover Paper] (IF: 4.447, 中科院SCI二區)
7.Lei Hu, Dongshan Wei*, Xuri Huang*, Second harmonic generation property of monolayer TMDCs and its potential application in producing terahertz radiation, J. Chem. Phys., 147, 244701 (2017) (IF: 3.017,中科院SCI二區)
8.Shihan Yan, Hua Zhang, Zhongbo Yang, Mingjie Tang, Mingkun Zhang, Chunlei Du, Hong-Liang Cui, Dongshan Wei*, Transformation and dehydration kinetics of methylene blue hydrates detected by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, RSC Advances, 7, 41667 (2017) (IF: 3.289, 中科院SCI二區)
9.Mingliang Li, Tianying Chang*, Dongshan Wei*, Mingjie Tang, Shihan Yan, Chunlei Du and Hong-Liang Cui, Label-free detection of anti-estrogen receptor alpha and its binding with estrogen receptor peptide alpha by terahertz spectroscopy, RSC Advances, 7, 24338 (2017) (IF: 3.289, 中科院SCI二區)
10.Dongshan Wei, Wen Yang, Xigao Jin, and Qi Liao, Unforced translocation of a polymer chain through a nanopore: The solvent effect, J. Chem. Phys. 126, 204901 (2007)(IF: 3.017,中科院SCI二區)
11.Lei Hu, Xuri Huang*, Dongshan Wei*, Layer-Independent and Layer-Dependent Nonlinear Optical Properties in Two-Dimensional GaX (X=S, Se, Te) Nanosheets, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 11131 (2017) (IF: 4.449, 中科院SCI二區).
12.Lei Hu, Dongshan Wei*, Second-order nonlinear optical properties of bulk GeC polytypes, g-GeC and corresponding nanotubes: a first principles calculation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 2235 (2017) (IF: 4.449, 中科院SCI二區)
13.L. Hu, D. Wei*, Janus Group-III Chalcogenide Monolayers and Derivative Type-II Heterojunctions as Water-Splitting Photocatalysts with Strong Visible-Light Absorbance, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 27795-27802 (IF: 4.536, 中科院SCI二區)
14.Zheyu Song, Shihan Yan, Ziyi Zang, Yun Fu*, Dongshan Wei*, Hong-Liang Cui, Puxiang Lai, Temporal and Spatial Variability of Water Status in Plant Leaves by Terahertz Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 8, 520-527 (2018) (IF: 2.298, 中科院SCI二區)
15.Yaqing Liu, Hong-Liang Cui*, Dongshan Wei*, Effects of Spin−Orbit Coupling on Nonequilibrium QuantumTransport Properties of Hybrid Halide Perovskites, J. Phys. Chem. C, 122, 4150-4155 (2018) (IF: 4.536, 中科院SCI二區)
16.Tang M, Zhang M, Yan S, Xia L, Yang Z, Du C, Cui H-L and Wei D*, Detection of DNA oligonucleotides with base mutations by terahertz spectroscopy and microstructures, PLoS One 13(1): e0191515 (2018) (IF: 2.806, 中科院SCI三區)
17.Liangping Xia, Xin Zhang, Dongshan Wei*, Hong-Liang Cui and Chunlei Du, Graphene Terahertz Amplitude Modulation Enhanced by Square Ring Resonant Structure, IEEE Photonics Journal, 10, 5900107 (2018) (IF: 2.291, 中科院SCI三區)
18.D. Ling, M. Zhang, J. Song, D. Wei*, Calculated Terahertz Spectra of Glycine Oligopeptide Solutions Confined in Carbon Nanotubes, Polymers, 11 (2019) 385 (IF: 2.935, 中科院SCI二區)
19.M. Zhang, Z. Yang, M. Tang, D. Wang, H. Wang, S. Yan, D. Wei*, H.-L. Cui, Terahertz Spectroscopic Signatures of Microcystin Aptamer Solution Probed with a Microfluidic Chip, Sensors, 19 (2019) 534 (IF: 2.475, 中科院SCI三區)
20.Mingjie Tang#, Mingkun Zhang#, Liangping Xia, Zhongbo Yang, Shihan Yan, Huabin Wang, Dongshan Wei*, Chunlei Du, Hong-Liang Cui, Detection of single-base mutation of DNA oligonucleotides with different lengths by terahertz attenuated total reflection microfluidic cell, Biomed. Opt. Express 11 (9), 5362 (2020). (中科院SCI二區)
21.Qianchi Feng#,Dongshan Wei#,Yudan Su#,Zhiguang Zhou,Wang Feng*,Chuanshan Tian*, Study of Thermal Expansion Coefficients of 2D Materials via Raman Micro-spectroscopy: Revisited , Small, 17,2006146(2021),DOI:10.1002/smll.202006146 (共一,中科院SCI一區)
22.Jianxun Song, Hua Zheng, Minxia Liu, Geng Zhang, Dongxiong Ling, Dongshan Wei*, First-principles study on Electronic and Optical Properties of the Type-II C2N/g-ZnO van der Waals Heterostructure, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23 (2021) 3963-3973 (中科院SCI二區)
3.曹海燕, 黃昱, 魏東山, 張華,湯冬雲, 基于核酸适配體信号放大策略的檢測微囊藻毒素的SPR 傳感器及其制備方法和應用, 2018/4/10, 中國, ZL201610846741.0(已授權)
4.Dongshan Wei, Jiankui Gao, Chan Zheng, Jingbo Liu, Dongxiong Ling, A Method and System for Detecting Conformational Transition Temperature of Polymer Films, 澳洲革新 專利号:2021100393(2021/04/07授權)
5.魏東山, 周麗娜, 孫泰, 趙晗, 黎靜, 武永剛, 魏大鵬, 史浩飛. 一種高比表面積的三維氧化石墨烯氣凝膠制備方法. 發明專利号: ZL201510169644.8(已授權)
6.魏東山, 周麗娜, 趙晗, 黎靜, 武永剛, 史浩飛. 一種含锂氧化石墨烯三維骨架儲氫材料及其制備方法. 發明專利号: ZL201410333575.5(已授權)
9.湯明傑,劉羽,魏東山,顔識涵,張明焜,施長城,王化斌,杜春雷,崔洪亮,基于太赫茲時域光譜技術進行細胞計數的裝置及方法,發明專利号: ZL201610061076.4 (已授權)
10.夏良平,毛洪豔,王思江,沈俊,饒先花,魏東山,崔洪亮,杜春雷,一種太赫茲偏振片, 發明專利号: ZL201510169644.8(已授權)
11.王化斌,楊忠波,夏良平,魏東山,常天英,杜春雷,崔洪亮,專利名稱:一種散射式的掃描近場太赫茲顯微鏡,發明專利号:ZL 201510514305.9(已授權)
12.曹海燕,黃昱,魏東山,張華,湯冬雲, 基于核酸适配體信号放大策略的檢測微囊藻毒素的SPR傳感器及其制備方法和應用,發明專利号: ZL201610846741.0(已授權)
13.張明焜, 魏東山, 楊忠波, 湯明傑, 顔識涵, 張華, 王化斌, 崔洪亮. 檢測微量液體太赫茲波譜的衰減全反射微流控棱鏡及制作方法, 發明專利号: ZL201710994968.4 (已授權)
14.代廣斌,王化斌,楊忠波,鄭妍,崔洪亮,魏東山,常天英,杜春雷,用于提取近場太赫茲信号的僞差幹涉探測系統及探測方法, 發明專利号:ZL201610178610.X(已授權)
東莞理工學院碩士生導師、博士後導師、廣東工業大學、華南師範大學兼職碩士生導師。現為美國光學會、美國化學會、中國電子學會、中國兵工學會會員以及Nature Communications, 2D Materials, Sensors & Actuators, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Biomedical Optics Express, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,《中國物理》等國際、國内期刊審稿人。