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辦公室:8B113 Email: xychen@dgut.edu.cn |
2005.09-2009.07 北京交通大學,光信息科學與技術,本科畢業
2009.09-2011.08 北京交通大學,光學工程專業,碩士畢業
2011.09-2015.07 馬德裡理工大學(西班牙),通信技術與系統專業,博士畢業
2015.12-2017.10 暨南大學光子技術研究院,博士後研究員
2017.11-2019.12 汕頭大學理學院,講師
2020.01-2021.01 汕頭大學理學院,副教授
2021.02-至今 東莞理工學院電子工程與智能化學院,副教授
1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,基于D型傾斜光纖光栅激勵機制微管生物傳感器的研究,主持,22萬,61705081,2018.01–2020.12,結題;
2. 廣東省自然科學基金——博士啟動縱向協同項目,微管回音壁模式生物激光傳感機制與耦合技術的研究,主持,10萬,2017A030310303,2017.05–2020.04,結題;
3. 博士後基金面上項目,微管激光器耦合技術及生物傳感應用的研究,主持,5萬,2016M592600,2016.05–2017.10,結題;
1. X. Chen*, J. Jiang, N. Zhang, W. Lin, P. Xu, J. Sun, “Study on a Plasmonic Tilted Fiber Grating-Based
2. Biosensor for Calmodulin Detection,” Biosensors, 11(195), 1-9, 2021.
3. H. Chen, X. Hu, X. Chen, Q. Yu, Z. Lian, H. Wang, H. Qu, “In-Line Interferometric Temperature Sensor Based on Dual-Core Fiber,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(10), 12146-12152, 2021.
4. P. Ma, N. Hu, J. Ruan, H. Song and X. Chen*, “In-Situ Measurement of Ammonium in Wastewater Using a Tilted Fiber Grating Sensor,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(12), 4055-4061, 2021.
5. X. Chen, Y. Nan, X. Ma, H. Liu, W. Liu, L.Shi, T. Guo, “In-Situ Detection of Small Biomolecule Interactions using a Plasmonic Tilted Fiber Grating Sensor,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(11), 2792-2799, 2019.
6. X. Chen*, R. Guan and P. R. Horche, “Transverse offset based single-multi-single mode fiber structure for vector rotation sensing,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(11), 2726-2733, 2019.
7. 梁榮傑, 呂秀品, 陳曉湧*, “LD泵浦Nd:YVO4固體激光器調試技術的研究[J] ,” 大學物理實驗, 032(003), 1-4, 2019.
8. X. Zhang, Z. Wu, F. Liu, Q. Fu, X. Chen, J. Xu, Z. Zhang, Y. Huang, Y. Tang, T. Guo T, J. Albert. “Hydrogen peroxide and glucose concentration measurement using optical fiber grating sensors with corrodible plasmonic nanocoatings,” Biomedical Optical Express, 9(4), 1735-1744, 2018.
9. X. Chen, A. Macho, P. R. Horche, “Performance evaluation of 100 and 200-Gb/s WDM PM-QPSK transmission systems: tolerance analysis to the optical link impairments according to the optical carrier shape,” Optical Review, 25, 663-677, 2018.
10. X. Chen, F. Du, T. Guo, J. Lao, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, F. Liu, J. Li, C. Chen, B.-O Guan, "Liquid Crystal-Embedded Tilted Fiber Grating Electric Field Intensity Sensor," Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(16), 3347-3353, 2017.
11. L. Han, T. Guo, C. Xie, P. Xu, J. Lao, X. Zhang, J. Xu, X. Chen, Y. Huang, X. Liang, W. Mao, B.-O. Guan, “Specific Detection of Aquaporin-2 Using Plasmonic Tilted Fiber Grating Sensors,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(16), 3360-3365, 2017.
12. X. Chen, J. Xu, X. Zhang, T. Guo, and B.-O. Guan "Wide Range Refractive Index Measurement Using a Multi-Angle Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(9), 719-722, 2017.
13. S. Cai, Y. Nan, W. Xie,; J. Yi, X. Chen, Q. Rong, H. Liang, M. Nie, G.-D. Peng, T. Guo, “Fiber-Optic Accelerometer Using Tilted Grating Inscribed in Depressed Cladding Fibers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(24), 2171-2174, 2017.
14. X. Qiu, X. Chen, F. Liu, B. Guan and T. Guo, “Plasmonic Fiber-Optic Refractometers Based on a High Q-Factor Amplitude Interrogation,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(15), 5974-5978, 2016.
15. X. Chen and P.R. Horche, “Improvement of Transverse Offset-Based Single-Mode-Multimode-Single-Mode-Fiber Structure for DPSK Signal Demodulation,” Photoptics 2015: Revised Selected Papers, P. Ribeiro and M. Raposo, eds., pp. 35-51, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
16. X. Chen, J.A.M. Pereda and P.R. Horche, “Signal Penalties Induced by Different Types of Optical Filters in 100 Gbps PM-DQPSK based Optical networks,” Optical Switching and networking, 19, 145-154, 2016.
17. X. Chen, A.M. Minguez and P.R. Horche, “Analysis of optical signal impairment induced by different types of optical filters in 40Gbps DQPSK and 100Gbps PM-DQPSK systems,” Optical Fiber Technology, 22(0), 113-120, 2015.
18. X. Chen, A.M. Minguez and P.R. Horche, “A low-cost alternative scheme to detect a 100 Gbps PM-DQPSK signal,” Photonic Network Communications, 28(3), 203-213, 2014.
19. X. Chen, X.-Z. Sheng, C.-Q. Wu, “Influence of Multi-Cascaded Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers on the Signal in an Energy-Efficient System,” Chinese Physics Letters, 29(1), 14204-014204, 2012.