![]() | 賴穎昕 博士,副教授 辦公室:9A412 Email: yxlai@dgut.edu.cn |
1999.09-2003.07 西南交通大學,電子科學與技術專業,本科畢業
2003.09-2008.09 西南交通大學,通信與信息系統專業,博士畢業
2008.06-2013.11 東莞理工學院電子工程學院,講師
2013.09-2014.07 華南理工大學電子與信息學院,訪問學者
2013.09-2013.12 東莞理工學院電子工程學院,副教授
2014.01-至今 東莞理工學院電子工程與智能化學院,副教授
2. 電智學院-生益電子通信工程專業校外實踐教學基地,校大學生實踐教學基地項目,2019-2021
3. 電磁場與電磁波課程建設的改革與實踐,校教改一般項目,2010-2013
2. 基于新型電磁結構的無源射頻/微波器件關鍵技術研究,廣東省公益研究與能力建設項目,2016-2018,30萬
3. 基于靜電布拉格系統的高功率太赫茲波輻射源高頻結構研究,廣東省教育廳高等學校“創新強校工程”創新項目,2015-2017,10萬
4. 港口物聯網系統中電子标簽關鍵技術研究,東莞市高等院校科研機構科技計劃項目,2011-2014,8萬
5. 太赫茲同軸布喇格諧振腔研究,廣東省教育廳高校優秀青年創新人才培養項目,2010-2013,3萬
1. Y. X. Lai, etc. A coaxial Bragg reflector for cyclotron autoresonance maser, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2007
2. Y. X. Lai, etc. Multi-wave interaction formulation of a coaxial Bragg structure and its experimental verification, Physics of Plasmas, 2007
3. Y. X. Lai, etc. Separation of band-gap overlap in a coaxial Bragg structure operating in higher-order modeat Terahertz frequency, Physics of Plasmas, 2008
4. Y. X. Lai, etc. Band gap and frequency response in an overmoded coaxial Bragg reflector, 2008 Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves-GSMM 2008, Nanjing, China, 2008.4
5. Y. X. Lai, etc. Transmission spectrum of coaxial localized-defected Bragg structures with uniform and inhomogeneous ripples,2011 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference–APMC 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.12
6. 賴穎昕等. 60GHz缺陷态同軸布喇格波導窄帶帶通濾波器設計及性能分析. 電子與信息學報, 2012
7. Y. X. Lai, etc. Effect of defect location and corrugation phase on transmission in a defected coaxial Bragg structure with two corrugated surface, 2012 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference–APMC 2012, Kaohsiung, 2012.12
8. 賴穎昕等. 缺陷态同軸布拉格波導傳輸特性, 強激光與粒子束, 2013
9. Y. X. Lai, etc. Mode-matching analytic method of a coaxial Bragg structure corrugated with rectangular ripples and its experimental verification, Acta Physica Sinica, 2013
10. Y. X. Lai, etc. Control of output mode and passband location of an overmoded defected coaxial Bragg structure, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2013
11. 賴穎昕等. 波紋誤差對同軸布拉格結構反射特性的影響. 強激光與粒子束, 2015
1. 東莞市科技進步三等獎,東莞市人民政府,2013.08