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Email: mengyan@dgut.edu.cn



2010.092014.06 本科 重慶大學物理學院 (導師:韓德專 教授)

2014.092018.06 博士(直博) 重慶大學物理學院 (導師:溫維佳、韓德專 教授)


2018.112021.07 博士後 香港科技大學 物理學院(Jensen Li 教授)

2021.082024.03 研究助理教授 南方科技大學 電子與電氣工程系 (高振 副教授)

2024.04-至今  東莞理工學院電子工程與智能化學院,副教授





主要從事拓撲光子學、拓撲聲學、微波超構材料等方面的研究,相關成果發表于Physical Review LettersNature CommunicationsSCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & AstronomyAPL Photonics Phys. Rev. Appl. 上。主持國家自然科學基金青年項目、廣東省面上項目、深圳市面上項目,學術主頁:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yan-Meng-15;



1國家自然科學基金, 年基金,基于對稱性投影表示的拓撲光子晶體中對偶性與非厄米性研究,2024.01-2026.12,(項目号: 12304484,經費30萬),主持。

2.廣東省自然科學基金,面上項目,投影對稱性下能帶多重簡并的拓撲聲子晶體奇異性研究, 2024.01-2026.12,(項目号2414050002552,經費15萬),主持。

3.深圳市自然科學基金,面上項目,基于片上系統的穩健聲力調控與聲鑷應用研究,2024.01-2026.12,(項目号: 20230802205352003,項目經費30萬),主持。

4.國家自然科學基金,國際(地區)合作與交流項目,通訊波段的三維光學拓撲絕緣體,2024.01-2027.12,(項目号: 62361166627,經費100萬),第一參與人。

5.國家自然科學基金,面上項目,三維非互易拓撲光子晶體理論與應用研究,2024.01-2027.12(項目号: 62375118,經費54萬),第一參與人。


1. Dong Zhao, Yan Meng*(通訊作者) et al, Observation of tunable topological phases of polaritons in a cavity waveguide, arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.10450, (2024).

2. Q Tu, H Zhou, Y Meng* (通訊作者), Magnetic modulation of bound states in the continuum with arbitrary polarization arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.11204, (2024).

3. Linyun Yang#, Xiang Xi#, Yan Meng# (共同一作) et al, Three-dimensional acoustic topological Chern insulator, arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.07040, (2024).

4. Ziyao Wang #, Yan Meng# (共同一作) et al, Realization of a three-dimensional photonic higher-order topological insulator, arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.05649, (2024).

5. Yan Meng, Shuxin Lin, et al, Spinful topological phases in acoustic crystals with projective PT symmetry, Physical Review Letters, 130, 026101 (2023). (中科院1 TOP, IF=9.185)

6. Xiaoxiao Wu#, Yan Meng# (共同一作), et al, Direct observation of valley-polarized topological edge states in designer surface plasmon crystals, Nature Communications 8, 1304 (2017). (中科院1 TOP, IF=17.69, ESI 高被引)

7. Yan Meng, Xiaoxiao Wu, et al, Non-Hermitian topological coupler for elastic waves, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 65, 224611 (2022). (中科院1 TOP, IF=5.122)

8. Ning Han#, Xiang Xi#, Yan Meng# (共同一作) et al, Topological photonics in three and higher dimensions, APL Photonics, (2024). (中科院1, TOP期刊 IF=5.6)

9. Yan Meng, Yiran Hao, Liyou Luo, and Jensen Li, Birefringence of single polarization for flexural-wave metamaterials, Physical Review Applied, 18, 084073 (2022). (中科院2 , IF=4.9)

10. Yan Meng, Xiao Li, Zixian Liang, Jack Ng, and Jensen Li, Acoustic pulling with a single incident plane wave, Physical Review Applied 14, 014089 (2020). (中科院2 , IF=4.9)

11. Yan Meng, Hong Xiang, et al, Topological interface states in multiscale spoof-insulator-spoof waveguides, Optics Letters 41, 3698 (2016). (中科院2 , IF=3.776, 編輯推薦)

12. Yan Meng, Xiaoxiao Wu, et al, Designing topological interface states in phononic crystals based on the full phase diagrams, New Journal of Physics 20, 073032 (2018). (中科院2 , IF=3.716)

13. Xin Li#, Yan Meng# (共同一作), et al, Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model inspired acoustic interface states and edge states, Applied Physics Letters 113, 203501 (2018). (中科院2 , IF=3.971)

14. Yan Meng, Yiran Hao, Sebastien Guenneau, Shubo Wang, and Jensen Li, Willis coupling in water waves, New Journal of Physics 23, 073004 (2021). (中科院2 , IF=3.716)

15. Xiaoxiao Wu, Yan Meng, et al, Topological corner modes induced by Dirac vortices in arbitrary geometry, Physical Review Letters 126, 226802 (2021). (IF=9.185, 中科院1, TOP期刊)


1. 光纖光纜先進制造與應用技術全國重點實驗室(主要成員)

2. 全球光學大會分會主持者 (Chair of the topological photonics session), The 9th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), (2024 in Shenzhen, China)

3. 邀請報告: Observation of tunable topological phases of polaritons in a cavity waveguide, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), (2024 in Chengdu, China).

4. 邀請報告: Arbitrary Chern vectors in non-reciprocal 3D acoustic crystals, 14th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META), (2024 in Japan).

5. 邀請報告: Wave functional material and topological device in elastic waves, The 13th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics jointly with the 13th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMF-13 & AMEC-13), (2023 in Macau SAR).

6. 口頭報告:“Spinful topological phases in acoustic crystals with projective PT symmetry, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), (2023 in Prague).



現為東莞理工學院碩士生導師,課題組經費充足,歡迎拓撲光子學、人工表面等離激元、電磁波超材料等方向的碩士生、博士後的加入。課題組将與東莞理工郗翔副教授共同招收培養學生,請有意者将簡曆發送至郵箱 mengyan@dgut.edu.cn xix@dgut.edu.cn

